Instagram Your Business

April 27, 2012 | Facebook Marketing Instagram Internet Marketing Other Social Media Marketing Twitter Marketing

Blog Post By Longevity Graphics

In the last post “Pinterest…Pin Your Interests” emphasized on the importance of being visually stimulated. Once again we are going to continue to emphasize how important images are to every business, because we all know we like being visually stimulated.

This time, I am calling out all Iphone and Android owners to download Instagram if you have not already. Instagram has over 27 million users and have been purchased for 1 billion from Facebook. Instagram is a downloadable app and a social network that allows the users to take pictures, edit photos with different filters, and share it through Instagram. You can also share your pictures through Facebook or Twitter. Instagram works similar to Twitter, where you can use hash tags (#) so people can find your photos. In order to create conversations with people you can always use the ‘@username’ to directly create a conversation with someone.

So what makes photos such an important tool for marketing? Photos can be utilized within story telling. Story telling is the foundational strategy to developing and strengthening your brand. If you can tell a great story about your business through text, you can also create a story through images. Since taking photos are easy and instant, it is easier to share it with many people. HubSpot simply states it as “a great way for people to experience brands in a different way, and it elicits emotions that may not have been experienced through text alone.” Some big companies that are using Instagram to build their brand are: Starbucks, RedBull, Marc Jacobs, Tiffany & Co etc. When the big companies are using it, you know there is value to Instagram.

Instagram may or may not be your desired way to market your business, but depending on your business it can be very handy.

Ways to Instagram your Business:

1.)    Day in the life of your company: Fans and customers are always curious what you do at work. They want to know what it’s like to work where you work.

2.)    Company News: You can promote and advertise new blog posts, services and events on Instagram by taking a pictures of your new blog, or already made campaigns.

3.)    Contests: There are fun ways to create contests on Instagram. You can always ask your fans to take a picture with your product and use a hash tag (#) on Instagram to get fans to participate in your contest.

4.)    Events: If you create a hash tag (#) with your event.  This can encourage people to take pictures and use that hash tag to spread the event pictures around.

So do some social media touch ups and use Instagram to strengthen your brand! Have fun Instagraming!