Content Writing and Media

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Longevity Graphics specializes in producing content for your website that is succinct, informative, and digestible for modern people. According to a study conducted by Microsoft, the average human attention span has shrunk to a mere 8 seconds, shorter than a goldfish! These statistics are crucial to understanding how to convert webpage visitors into business, and Longevity Graphics can help you to best represent your business to online viewers.

Contact us to schedule a Free 1-Hour consultation to learn more about our services and how we can help you. We can customize your proposal to ensure it suits your needs and fits your budget.



Although a quality design can speak volumes of a company and get a customer’s attention, there needs to be great content to back up the visual aspect of a website. Content is essentially the information that your website exists to provide. Depending on your company, this could be a list of products or services, history of the company and its employees, your mission statement, a blog, and more. While this may seem like the most straightforward part of a website optimization, there is more to it than meets the eye.



Search engines, such as Google, are the number one way people will find your website. The way that these search engines work is via an algorithm that uses keywords in your search, your browsing history, and countless other variables. Using this algorithm, the engine will present you with results it thinks are most relevant to your search. These algorithms are extremely complex and are constantly changing. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a service that will correlate your website more closely with keywords a potential customer might use in a search. With a proper optimization, a website that would be listed on the third page of Google can be brought up to the first, greatly increasing visibility and click-through rates.

Matching keywords on your site with the searches of potential customers is not where the job of content writing ends, however. Visibility in a search engine may improve the chances of someone clicking through to your website, but there needs to be succinct, digestible, and informative content on the page for them to engage with. In a world of lightning fast virtual interactions, it’s no longer realistic to expect a potential customer to comb through a site searching for the information they need. The modern consumer wants to find the necessary details of your service or product in a timely fashion, and simply put, does not like being made to wait.



Even in the most successful marketing campaigns, whether through traditional means, social media, or search engine optimization, the users that enter your website need to be impressed and grabbed by your page. User experience (UX) is the measurement of quality in a customer’s interaction with a website. All aspects of web design affect UX, such as graphic design, website functionality, mobile optimization, and content. In 2018, approximately 2.53 billion people use smartphones – with 52.7% of all internet access occurring from a mobile device. Although a mobile search for a consumer’s keywords is generally at the start of the purchasing funnel, decisions are made very quickly. 48% of users report that if they access a business’ site on mobile and it is not optimized, they feel it is an indication of a business not caring. An aesthetically pleasing, content-driven webpage that is optimized for both desktop and mobile users is the key to getting and holding the interest of your target audience.

Your customer base is made up of independent thinkers, with some preconceived notions about what they like and what they don’t. A common misconception is that content writing is simply blasting your services at customers in the hopes that it will lead to business. However, customers want to make their own informed decisions. Subtlety in writing content is key, being honest and authentic about what you’re offering while still highlighting its benefits. Well-written content shows that a company has self-awareness and humility, but also confidence in its offerings.






Another form of content is a blog. This platform is a more informal way for a company to share updates, discuss the future, or introduce new products or services. Rather than the more top-down, text-heavy approach taken by less optimized websites, a blog is a more human way for a company to open a dialogue with its consumers.

Social Media

Social media is undoubtedly one of the biggest influences in modern consumer’s lives. What we see on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, reddit, and other platforms can easily sway our opinion on products or alert us to new ones we otherwise never would have heard of. Why? The social aspect of social media makes an appeal to a consumer that more traditional avenues of marketing can’t replicate. Using social media humanizes a brand, and is an easy way of establishing your brand identity.