Tweet Tweet Tweet: How to create a conversation on Twitter

March 2, 2012 | Other Social Media Marketing Twitter Marketing

Blog Post By Longevity Graphics

Seeing hash tags (#), re tweets (RT) and a whole bunch of @usernames within twitter may seem confusing, so why is it there? It is there to create conversations on twitter. Here are tips and reasons why it is important to create a conversation on Twitter.

  1. Research Hash Tags – You want to make sure you are targeting the right audience. Those who use the same hash tags are users who tweet about similar things. There is a possibility that these users can be your new followers.
  2. Avoid Hash Tagging every word – It is hard to read and it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing to users who are reading your tweet.
  3. Read tweets from people you are following – This gives you the opportunity to re tweet users you are following to show that you are an active follower. They will appreciate your re tweet and will return the favour.
  4. Read Tweets from your followers – By re tweeting your follower’s shows you’re an active user. They will continue to visit your twitter and will also return the favour.
  5. Post interesting news or events – If you post interesting and relevant news, users will then re tweet you.
  6. Add keywords to your tweets – Users use key words to search through twitter. If a user searches your relevant key word, you will show up in the searches.

Social media can help you with search engine optimization(SEO) because it creates exposure and can direct traffic to your website, although, it seems like a lot of work and dedication. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t have the time. There are experts out there that can provide social media services and other SEO services so that will increase your companies exposure.