Hello, my name is Chase Francis Beckett Viscount. I am a grade 9 student residing in the school of Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School. A few weeks ago I had a choice. A choice of either going to my mom’s work and viewing and observing how she works or having a normal boring day at school. If you are seeing this, you probably know what I choose. I was assigned this task by my mother as she wanted me to learn about writing a full blog post.
My first task for this assignment is explaining what a blog post is and seeing that I’m currently writing about a blog post this is probably the most important thing to know when writing one. A blog post is an article containing discrete and often informal diary or journal styled text entries. Blog posts also can provide useful and informative material about a specific topic.
My second task is to explain why people write blog posts. People write blog posts because blogging can be a good way to share your personal message with the world. People also use blogs to help their company website rank on search engines for particular keywords. So they can share information about a specific topic and become an expert in a specific industry.
My final task is to explain some tips to help you on writing blogs. Some tips for writing a good blog post consist of the following.
In conclusion, a blog post is a good and effective way to captivate and inspire an audience and spread different innovative and inspiring ideas to all.