Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

A Facebook Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code that you add to your website in order to measure, optimize and build audiences for your Facebook Advertising campaigns. By utilizing the Facebook Pixel, you can better understand the actions people take as they make their way from Facebook to your website.

As Instagram Advertising is connected to your Facebook Ad Manager Account, the Pixel you create for your Ad Account can also be used to track Instagram Conversions.

Facebook Pixel Implementation

  • Go to your Facebook Ad Manager Account or your Facebook Business Manager Account
  • Click Tools then click Pixels
  • Click Create a Pixel
  • Enter the name of your Pixel (One Pixel per ad account)
  • Click Create Pixel
    • If you work on your website yourself, click Install Pixel Now and copy the Base Code that appears in the box on the screen to each page on your website between the <head> and </head> tags
    • If someone else works on your website, press Email Pixel Code. Type in the person’s email and press Send

Standard Conversion Events

Standard Conversion Events allow you to track conversions, optimize for conversions and build audiences. See the Standard Conversion Events listed below:

View Content – Track key page views
Search – Track searches on your website
Add to Cart – Track when items are added to a shopping cart
Add to Wishlist – Track when items are added to a wish list
Initiate Checkout – Track when people enter the checkout flow
Add Payment Info – Track when payment information is added in the checkout flow
Make Purchase – Track purchases or checkout flow completions
Lead – Track when someone expresses interest in your offering
Complete Registration – Track when a registration form is completed

Standard Conversion Events Implementation

  • Add the Standard Event Code that corresponds to the events listed above
  • Add the Standard Event Code below the Base Code

Custom Conversion Events

You can use Custom Conversions Events if you are unable to add Standard Conversion Events to your website. If you’ve added the Base Code across your website, leave the code as is and create Custom Conversion Events using URL rules.

Custom Conversion Events Implementation

  • Go to the Custom Conversions section
  • Click Create Custom Conversion
  • Add the URL or part of the URL that represents your custom conversion (ex. URL contains /thankyou.php for a Thank You page after a purchase).
  • Select a category and click Next
  • Give your custom conversion a name and description
  • Add a conversion value $$ if applicable
  • Click Create and Done

If this sounds like something you would rather leave up to a professional web developer, contact Longevity Graphics today! Our web development team can add the Base Code to each page on your website, add Standard Conversion Events and add Custom Conversion Events. Not only that, our Marketing Department can manage your Facebook Advertising campaigns and provide you with detailed monthly reports outlining your conversion results.

10797544894_c14c97cb1dAre you thinking about starting a business in Port Coquitlam? We’ve gathered some resources to help you get started.

Visit the City of Port Coquitlam Website

The City of Port Coquitlam  website is a great place to begin when thinking about starting a business in Port Coquitlam. The website has many resources that will help you, prior to ‘opening your doors’.  Click here to visit the City of Port Coquitlam’s Starting a Business page.

Get to know the area… and your competition

If you don’t already live in Port Coquitlam or the Tri-Cities area, it is a good idea to spend some time in the city. This will allow you to get a sense of the successful businesses that are currently operating in the area – including businesses that you will be in competition with. If your business is going to have a store front, you can use this time to search out potential areas for your business to operate.

Create a Website and Social Media Pages

If you’re thinking about starting a business in 2016 – you MUST have a website and social media pages. There is a vast amount of competing businesses in Port Coquitlam and the surrounding areas.

In order to be discovered by potential customers online, you must have an experienced, knowledgeable online marketing company who will be able to optimize your website and social media pages for optimal rankings.

Your online marketing company should be able to:

  • Help your website gain top position in search result lists
  • Perform keyword research to discover vital search combinations for your business
  • Perform meta and title tag development
  • Establish HTML code optimization
  • Perform inbound link building

If this sounds like something that you will need help with, contact Longevity Graphics for a FREE 1-Hour Consultation. We specialize in working with local clients and helping them rank for their industry specific keywords.

Are you considering outsourcing your website design?

Below are some Pro’s and Con’s of hiring a local web designer vs. outsourcing your web design.

Pro’s of hiring a local web designer:

  • Personalized, one-on-one service
  • It’s easy to get in contact with your web designer if you have any questions
  • You know exactly who will be working on the design of your website and social media pages

Con’s of hiring a local web designer:

  • Well, we sure can’t think of any con’s!

Additional Resources

  • Sign up your business on the Shop PoCo BIZ Directory; Click Here
  • Join the Port Coquitlam Business Improvement Association (BIA); Click Here
  • Join the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce; Click Here
  • Contact Longevity Graphics for a FREE 1-Hour Consultation to learn about the online marketing services they offer; Click Here

Social Media Marketing Summer Promotion from Longevity Graphics

social media marketing

Receive a FREE Social Media Audit and learn more about our Summer Social Media Marketing promotion.

Choose 5 Social Media Marketing Platforms and we will:

  • Setup
  • Optimize
  • Manage 

your account.

$1250   $995/month

ACT NOW! Limited Availability

CALL: 604-505-8552 or EMAIL: [email protected]

Platform options: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google+, YELP, Trip Advisor, Just Eat, Zomato (Formally Urban Spoon)

Social Media Marketing Services:

Social Media Marketing Setup


We will setup and optimize 5 social media platforms of your choice. By implementing engaging visuals and optimizing all the tools available through the platforms, we will achieve results. A strategy will be developed to ensure a consistent follower growth and engagement with your audience.

Social Media Marketing Content Management


First and foremost, we will perform an analysis of your industry, competition and clientele base. From there, we will make recommendations for the best content, visuals, and times to reach your audience. We will implement these recommendations, which will maximize your influence and generate relevant leads.

Social Media Marketing Reporting


On an ongoing basis, our team will analyze the results and provide a report on a monthly basis. Upon analysis, we will create a summary of our findings, make necessary adjustments and recommendations to ensure optimal results on all platforms.

Don’t delay, take advantage of our social media marketing summer promotion and get started right away. Our team of local experts will work with you and help you deliver your message loud and clear. Get your FREE social media marketing audit today.

Longevity Graphics is located in Coquitlam, BC. We specialize in online marketing services as well as web design and web development. For a list of our services or customer testimonials, visit our website today. We offer a FREE one hour consultation.

Facebook advertising has grown exponentially in the last few years, with the opening of several new offices to provide support staff to their brand/business pages. There are more options on how you promote on a Facebook page than ever before and even still being constantly changed, updated and upgraded.

If you are a company that is using a relatively low Facebook ad budget, a great option to grow your fans on Facebook is to connect with a Facebook account representative directly. Usually you would have to spend a higher amount, around $2000 to have access to this representative, but it is worth it in the long run. Here’s an outline of the main Facebook ads used by brands today.


There are 4 main types of Facebook Ads:

1. Sponsored Likes:  Shows on friends of BRAND fans feed who don’t like BRAND: ‘Jennifer Like Brand’.

  • User has the option click on the brand profile picture- which takes them directly to the brand fanpage
  • Another option to ‘Like’ the page from the ad itself
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) on a simple sponsored ad is low and manageable. (Can go as low as $.30+)

Main Gain: It’s used to gain a large amount of likes over a shorter period of time.

2. Brand Promotion:  Promote a contest/giveaway through a Facebook application advertisement.

  •  User has the option click on the promotion picture- which takes them directly to the brand fanpage
  • Another option to ‘Like’ the page from the ad itself
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) is higher ($.95-1.6+)

Main Gain: Increase engagement and interaction for your Facebook promotion. Goal should be to get more clicks to the Facebook application- promotion/contest. Get the like, but get an entry etc..

3. Promote a Specific post on your page:   Promote a post through default of last posted or a specific post.

  • User has the option click on the post/picture– which takes them directly to the post
  • Another option to ‘Like’ the page from the ad itself
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) on a specific post ad is the low-medium. (Can go as low as $.37+)

Main Gain: Increase commenting, sharing, liking on a particular post. Get the like, but also get engagement.

Another way to promote a specific post with the goal of engagement is to promote them right on your fanpage.

4. Promote a Specific post- NewsFeed -promote a post directly onto fans newsfeed.

To set this up, go to a post on your Facebook page. Underneath the post on the bottom right-hand side you will see ‘Promote’- which drops down into a Facebook Ad promotion.

Choose between audiences:

  1. People who like your page
  2. People who like your page and their friends

– Duration is set: 3 days from when first posted

– Cost Options: $51 – $2.01K

– Estimated Reach: 9K – 646K

*Note: It will say ‘Sponsored Post’ at the bottom (Fans/Friends of fans will know it’s a paid for post)

Main Gain: Increase commenting, sharing, liking on a particular post from your existing fans.

Extra FYI: Facebook also shares success stories of brands that have had ‘success’ with a Facebook promotion. Yes, they are usually larger brands who have spent larger dollars on Facebook advertising and the like, but what you can do is take these ideas and scale them into a promotional option that suites your budget. Good luck!


Written by: Cristina Pagnucco, Social Media Specialist, Longevity Graphics

Questions about this article? Email me [email protected]

Like us on Facebook  & Follow us on Twitter

Transparency: operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed.

With the new Facebook Timeline layout, we now have the cability to show our business’s humble beginnings in a fun and clean visual way. One of the greatest ways to show the transparency of your company is to show where you came from, how your company began. The easiest way is through pictures. From when you founded the company, to your first major client, to the welcome of an office dog, these social media milestones will help you to open your companies world to your customer in a way never done before.

Depending on your business service excitement metre, you might need to create a tantalizing story online, where these new users/repeat customers are drawn to interact, engage or share with their Facebook friends. It doesn’t have to be something crazy or a genius creative, it’s simply about spending time creating social media content that shows your companies story.

It’s backwards thinking- to be proactive when it comes to marketing/advertising your product/service. Instead of attacking the consumer with advertising targeted to someone who you believe would need your service, (target market- reactive) you create a space online where your consumer can get to know you first (proactive). That is when people actually buy into your company story, especially when it’s a service, people buy into people. So show them your people- faces, employees and happy customers.


It also has to do with navigation, how you navigate on different social platforms. When you arrive on a website for a business, you want to find out the basics. What they offer, where they are located, when they are open and how much is it going to cost. Simple and plain, it’s called easy navigation and it ensures the visiting online user finds what they need as quickly as possible.


The flip-side is social media. What do people expect when they land on your Facebook page? A Facebook page has less pressure, it’s lighter, users  want the personality of the company to come out. They want to interact, share and be engaged. They want to feel good about the company that may provide them with a service.

I’ve seen email marketing companies (not sexy) , used car businesses (not exciting) and a variety of business who offer a common service, market themselves online with transparency- photos, videos and interesting promotions. Showing the behind-the -scenes of your company relaxes the potential customer, it shows them what they will be getting in to if they choose your service.

Consumer Thinking Bubble:

“I know who I’m going to talk to, I’ve seen pictures of their work, fun engaging photos of staff and I’m not worried about them, I’m actually looking forward to meeting them.”

*Side-note: If you are relating to this post from the business-owner perspective and are thinking, “How the heck do I do any of this?” It may not be your job to think outside of the box. You just have to be willing to utilize these engaging tactics from your in-house online marketing team or by using an outside company


Written by: Cristina Pagnucco, Social Media Specialist, Longevity Graphics

Questions about this article? Email me [email protected]

Like us on Facebook  & Follow us on Twitter

In the last post “Pinterest…Pin Your Interests” emphasized on the importance of being visually stimulated. Once again we are going to continue to emphasize how important images are to every business, because we all know we like being visually stimulated.

This time, I am calling out all Iphone and Android owners to download Instagram if you have not already. Instagram has over 27 million users and have been purchased for 1 billion from Facebook. Instagram is a downloadable app and a social network that allows the users to take pictures, edit photos with different filters, and share it through Instagram. You can also share your pictures through Facebook or Twitter. Instagram works similar to Twitter, where you can use hash tags (#) so people can find your photos. In order to create conversations with people you can always use the ‘@username’ to directly create a conversation with someone.

So what makes photos such an important tool for marketing? Photos can be utilized within story telling. Story telling is the foundational strategy to developing and strengthening your brand. If you can tell a great story about your business through text, you can also create a story through images. Since taking photos are easy and instant, it is easier to share it with many people. HubSpot simply states it as “a great way for people to experience brands in a different way, and it elicits emotions that may not have been experienced through text alone.” Some big companies that are using Instagram to build their brand are: Starbucks, RedBull, Marc Jacobs, Tiffany & Co etc. When the big companies are using it, you know there is value to Instagram.

Instagram may or may not be your desired way to market your business, but depending on your business it can be very handy.

Ways to Instagram your Business:

1.)    Day in the life of your company: Fans and customers are always curious what you do at work. They want to know what it’s like to work where you work.

2.)    Company News: You can promote and advertise new blog posts, services and events on Instagram by taking a pictures of your new blog, or already made campaigns.

3.)    Contests: There are fun ways to create contests on Instagram. You can always ask your fans to take a picture with your product and use a hash tag (#) on Instagram to get fans to participate in your contest.

4.)    Events: If you create a hash tag (#) with your event.  This can encourage people to take pictures and use that hash tag to spread the event pictures around.

So do some social media touch ups and use Instagram to strengthen your brand! Have fun Instagraming!

If you are all about visuals, Pinterest is the social media site to be on. It is a large social media platform that gathers everyone’s interests in one place. This is the perfect place to be if you want to know the current and up and coming trends. Their mission is to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting.”

Pinterest is beautifully organized by its pin-board/grid type layout which makes it visually stimulating.

Pinterest home page

It is easy to use and allows you to share your hobbies, interest, events and more. Pinterest provides you with a ‘pin it’ button to add to your bookmarks. This allows you to ‘pin’ any image, blog, or website directly onto Pinterest. You can also create different categories that suit your interests, plus you also have the option to share your ‘pins’ on Twitter or Facebook.  Another cool and handy thing about Pinterest is that the images are a direct link to the original source.

Pin Board Categories

My experience with Pinterest has been more than awesome. I must say I’m pretty much addicted to it because I can find everything that I like on one site. What’s even better is that people are very active and supportive on Pinterest. My first ‘pin’ ended up getting more than 140 repins within less than an hour, 84 likes with more than 30 follows, in one day. I must say, it’s pretty liberating to see that people ‘repin,’ like and follow you because they also have the same interest.

Here are a few reason why you should use Pinterest?

  1. Most people use it on a personal level. It is an archive for all your interests. It’s also a really good source for inspiration.
  2. Businesses are now getting a hold of Pinterest and its social media marketing and SEO value
  • It’s great for crowd sourcing – encouraging your fans to create pins revolving around your products/brand
  • Great to promote certain giveaways or contests
  • Ability to drive traffic to your website by adding keywords and links in your description
  • By adding ‘pin it’ buttons on your website allows Pinterest users to automatically pin your website onto their Pinterest pin boards.

So, I suggest you get yourself started with Pinterest, explore and connect with people who are interested in the same things as you. For businesses, I suggest you to experiment with different strategies that can drive in new customers or traffic to your website. Pinterest allows room for you to be creative with your branding approach. Until next time, Go and PIN your INTEREST.

Maintaining your brand is important for every company. There are many social media platforms out there that give you the ability to connect with your target audience/customers. Your engagement is important to produce happy, stimulated, loyal and engaged customers.

When you begin to establish your social media presence, first thing first:

Community is important

  • Think about your community. Many big execs will always suggest keeping in touch with your community.
  • By knowing your community, you will know how to create an agenda that will be competitive and effective.
  • You can maintain your relationship with your customers by knowing what they want, what are the newest trends or what changes might be needed
  • Community is all about dialogue. Social media allows you to create dialogue through, sharing commenting, and discussing
  • A community needs authenticity. Social media users can notice inauthenticity. Create fun, meaningful conversations that will impact your customers

Second thing:


  • Most important thing is to have fun and mean what you write. Don’t write something because you have to, but because you want to
  • Do not write something that isn’t relevant in your industry
  • Post relevant links. Readers are curious and always looking for new knowledge.
  • Incorporate fun contests that encourages participation

Some Social Media Sites to get your hands on:

Google +

There are other options, such as, SEO which will help expose your company, but imagine having both SEO and a strong social media presence together. Your brand and company will increasingly experience

For more check out: Check out 10 top Execs share their social media secrets

For all you social media addicts out there, Storify is another social media platform to add to your list. Storify is similar to Hoot Suite where you can organize all your social media, but Storify has one extra element than Hoot Suite. In Storify, you can create a story that will organize all of your social media platforms. How do you exactly create a story in Storify? Well, Storify is essentially like blogging but you have access to all your social media where you can implement certain Facebook comments, tweets, videos etc, into your blog directly.

The pros about Storify are:

  • You have all your content in one platform
  • You can develop a strong story and dialogue from your social media
  • Simple Editing tools similar to other blogging sites
  • Great for branding your company

The Cons:

  • There is a bit of lag time
  • It will take time to learn how to navigate

(but that’s not any different than learning the new Facebook timeline)

If you love to write and your social media seems a bit cluttered or unorganized, then Storify will help. I believe having a strong story attached to your 140 tweet or your Facebook statuses will have a bigger impact to your readers and followers.

You’ve probably been to a Facebook page where you’ve seen fan-gating (or ‘like-gating’) taking place. Fan gating directs non-fans to a specific tab on the page, usually featuring an image and some text to entice the visitor to ‘like’ the page in order to get more information or access to a promotion. Take a look at the page we built for 2nd Look Day Spa as an example.

It’s important to be clear about what the visitor will gain access to by clicking the like button. No incentive, no clicks. Arrows are also an essential element to draw focus to the like button.

Once the visitor has become a fan of the page, they are directed to another tab on the page, or a new page can load within the iframe. This is where you have the information or promotion that you promised on the before-like page. In this case, 2nd Look Day Spa is offering a printable coupon.


Although there are numerous apps that incorporate fan gating for your Facebook pages, most paid apps charge a monthly fee to use them, and the free apps will include a  ‘powered by…’ credit below your Facebook page. Your page – and by extension, your cause or business – will look more professional if you have a crafty web developer build your fan gated Facebook page for you.

Why fan gating is a good idea

Fan gating can quickly increase the amount of targeted fans of your Facebook page in a short time if you use the right incentive and proper design. Gaining fans from your target audience is a self-explanatory benefit – you want to reach out and engage with as many as possible. It’s silly to not take advantage of fan gating if you already plan on having a Facebook page. Contact us if you’d like to have some Facebook marketing done for you!