In the digital ecosystem, a website’s design and its search engine optimization (SEO) are not just parallel roads to success; they are intertwined paths that, when navigated correctly, lead to a destination of high visibility and user engagement. The impact of web design on SEO is profound, influencing how search engines discover, interpret, and rank content. Let’s delve into the design elements that affect a website’s search engine rankings and explore strategies that designers can implement to bolster SEO.

User Experience (UX) and SEO: A Harmonious Relationship

The evolution of search engine algorithms has shifted the focus from mere keyword saturation to the overall user experience (UX). This paradigm shift underscores the importance of UX in SEO strategy. A well-designed website that caters to user experience is a symphony of aesthetics, functionality, and accessibility, all playing in harmony to satisfy the user’s quest for information and ease of use. A website that has been designed with these strategies is more likely to retain visitors, reduce bounce rates, and encourage engagement, all of which are positive signals to search engines.

  • Intuitive Navigation: Just as a map guides a traveler, intuitive site navigation directs the user to their desired destination on a website. A logical structure, with a clear hierarchy and easy-to-identify categories, reduces confusion and frustration, keeping users on-site longer.
  • Consistent Layouts: Consistency in design elements and layouts across pages creates a familiar environment for users, making navigation second nature. This consistency also aids search engines in understanding page structures and content flow.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With mobile-first indexing, search engines now use the mobile version of a website for ranking and indexing. A responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes is essential for SEO.
  • Loading Speed: A website’s loading time is a direct ranking factor. Optimized images, streamlined code, and a reliable hosting solution can significantly improve site speed.In essence, the user experience is a cornerstone of modern SEO. Search engines aim to serve users with the best possible results, and a website that offers a superior user experience is more likely to be rewarded with higher rankings. The symbiotic relationship between web design and SEO is clear: by designing for the user, you inherently optimize for search engines.

In essence, the user experience is a cornerstone of modern SEO. Search engines aim to serve users with the best possible results, and a website that offers a superior user experience is more likely to be rewarded with higher rankings. The symbiotic relationship between web design and SEO is clear: by designing for the user, you inherently optimize for search engines.

Content Visibility and SEO: The Art of Being Seen

The presentation of content on a website is a critical factor that can significantly influence its visibility to both users and search engines. It’s a delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality, where the goal is to captivate the user while also ensuring that the underlying structure of the content is accessible to search engine crawlers. Here’s how designers can achieve this balance:

  • Hierarchy and Structure: Using header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure content helps search engines understand the relative importance of different sections of text.
  • Readability: Font choices, text size, and color contrast can impact how easily users can read website content, influencing their time on site and the likelihood to convert.
  • Bulleted or Numbered Lists: These break down information into digestible chunks, making it easier for users to scan and for search engines to pick out key points.
  • Alt Text for Images: Providing descriptive alt text for images allows search engines to better understand the content and context of visuals, aiding in image search rankings.
  • File Names and Formats: Image file names should be descriptive and include relevant keywords if appropriate. The file format and compression should be chosen to balance quality and load time, as both are important for SEO.

The presentation of content is a multi-faceted aspect of web design that requires a strategic approach to satisfy both aesthetic sensibilities and search engine requirements. By crafting content that is both visually engaging and structured for accessibility, designers can significantly enhance a website’s SEO potential.

Technical SEO and Web Design: The Invisible Framework

The technical aspects of web design are akin to the foundation of a building — not always visible but vital for stability and functionality. In the context of SEO, these technical elements ensure that a website is not only accessible to users but also easily navigable by search engine crawlers. Here’s a closer look at these critical components:

  • Clean Code: A clean, well-structured HTML/CSS codebase is easier for search engine crawlers to understand. Search engines favor websites with clean, well-organized code, which they can easily crawl and index. Using HTML5 semantic elements such as <header>, <footer>, <article>, and <section> helps define the structure of web content, making it easier for search engines to determine the role and relevance of each page element.
  • CSS and JavaScript Optimization: External stylesheets and JavaScript files can reduce code clutter. Minifying these files by removing unnecessary characters without changing functionality can also speed up load times, enhancing SEO.
  • URL Structure: User-friendly and keyword-relevant URLs can improve a site’s SEO. They should be concise, easy to read, and indicative of the content’s hierarchy.
  • Schema Markup: Implementing schema markup can enhance the way search engines read and represent your page in SERPs, potentially increasing click-through rates.
  • Robots.txt: This file tells search engine crawlers which pages or sections of the site should not be crawled. It’s essential to configure this correctly to prevent search engines from missing important content.
  • XML Sitemaps: An XML sitemap lists a website’s important pages, making sure search engines can find and crawl them all.
  • SSL Certificate: Implementing HTTPS, indicated by a padlock in the browser, encrypts data between the user and the server. Search engines often rank secure sites higher.

The technical aspects of web design form the invisible yet essential framework that supports a website’s discoverability and usability. By mastering these elements, designers and developers can create websites that are not only user-friendly but also optimized for search engines, leading to better rankings and, ultimately, more traffic.

Web Design for Conversion: Aligning Aesthetics with SEO Goals

Ultimately, the goal of SEO is not just to drive traffic but to convert that traffic into meaningful action whether that’s sales, sign-ups, or other forms of conversion. The design of a website plays a pivotal role in guiding visitors through the conversion funnel, from initial interest to final action. Here’s how design intertwines with SEO to not just capture, but convert:

  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Strategically placed and visually distinct CTA buttons can guide users toward desired actions, such as filling out a lead form, clicking a phone link, or making a purchase.
  • Landing Pages: Tailored landing pages can be powerful tools for conversion. They should be designed to match the intent of the visitors, providing them with the exact information they were seeking and guiding them towards a conversion with minimal distractions.
  • F-Pattern and Z-Pattern Designs: These design patterns take into account the natural scanning patterns of the eyes when reading content online. Aligning important elements such as key benefits, CTAs, and trust signals (like testimonials) along these patterns can increase the likelihood of conversion.
  • Professional Design: A professional and modern design instills confidence in users. Poor design, on the other hand, can raise doubts about a website’s credibility.
  • Social Proof: Including elements like customer testimonials, client logos, and trust badges can reassure visitors of the legitimacy and quality of the business or product.
  • Privacy Policies and Secure Checkouts: Especially for e-commerce sites, showcasing security measures and clear privacy policies can alleviate users’ security concerns.

In essence, while SEO is the vehicle that brings visitors to the doorstep of a website, design is the welcoming host that invites them in and guides them comfortably toward a desired action. A well-designed website that is optimized for conversion can effectively turn passive visitors into active customers, fulfilling the ultimate goal of SEO.

Continuous Testing and SEO: The Cycle of Improvement

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor. It is a dynamic and continuous process that requires regular attention and adaptation. The digital landscape is ever-changing, with search engine algorithms evolving, competitor strategies shifting, and user behaviors and preferences developing over time. To stay ahead in the SEO game, one must embrace the cycle of testing, analyzing, and refining design elements. Here’s how this process can lead to sustained SEO improvements:

  • A/B Testing: Experimenting with different design layouts, color schemes, and content presentations can reveal what resonates best with users.
  • Responsive Design Testing: With the variety of devices used to access the internet, ensuring your website is fully responsive is crucial for SEO.
  • Load Time Optimization: Website speed is a critical SEO factor. Users expect fast-loading pages, and search engines prioritize speed in their ranking algorithms.
  • Technical SEO Audits: Technical SEO elements must be audited regularly to identify and fix issues that could impact search engine indexing and ranking.
  • Security Enhancements: As security is a ranking factor, it’s important to regularly update security features on your website. Keep your SSL certificates up to date to maintain website security and trustworthiness. Apply updates and patches to your CMS and plugins to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Analytics: Regularly reviewing analytics data can provide insights into how design changes impact user behavior and SEO performance.

SEO requires a proactive and adaptive approach. By continuously testing and tweaking design elements based on data-driven insights, you can enhance user experience, meet search engine criteria, and ultimately achieve sustained improvements in SEO performance. This iterative process ensures that your website remains competitive, relevant, and aligned with the goals of both users and search engines.

Mastering the Art of SEO-Friendly Website Design

Web design and SEO are deeply interconnected, with each influencing the success of the other. By understanding and implementing design principles that cater to both aesthetics and search engine requirements, designers can create websites that not only captivate users but also climb the ranks of search engine results pages. The digital landscape is ever-changing, and staying abreast of these changes is key to a website’s online success.

SEO for Local Businesses: Longevity Graphics

Longevity Graphics: Your Website Design and SEO Partner

Choosing a digital marketing agency is a significant decision that can shape the future of your business. With Longevity Graphics, you’re not just hiring a service provider; you’re partnering with a team that shares your vision and works tirelessly to make it a reality.

From experience and customization to local insights and comprehensive services, Longevity Graphics offers a unique blend of qualities that make them an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

To contact Longevity Graphics, simply visit our website at or feel free to call us directly at 604-942-8486.

If you’re looking to elevate your digital marketing efforts and drive real results, consider Longevity Graphics as your trusted partner. Their dedication to your success is not just a promise; it’s a commitment they live by.

In today’s digital era, understanding the psychology of web design is crucial for creating effective websites that influence user behavior. By delving into the subconscious decision-making processes of users, web designers can leverage various design elements to captivate, engage, and guide visitors. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating realm of the psychology of web design and discover strategies to influence user behavior.

Color Psychology and the Psychology of Web Design:

Color Psychology and the Psychology of Web Design

The psychology of color plays a significant role in web design, influencing user emotions and behaviors. By employing color psychology techniques, web designers can evoke specific feelings and shape user perceptions. Whether it’s creating a sense of urgency with warm colors like red or orange, or fostering trust and calmness with cool colors like blue and green, understanding the psychological impact of color is essential in optimizing the user experience.

Visual Hierarchy: Guiding User Behavior through Web Design:

In the psychology of web design, visual hierarchy is a powerful tool for guiding user attention and behavior. By strategically arranging visual elements, designers can direct users through the most critical content and actions on a webpage. Size, contrast, and positioning are crucial factors that draw attention to important elements, such as headlines, buttons, or forms. Harnessing the principles of visual hierarchy enhances user engagement and encourages desired user behaviors.

Typography: Influence and Impact on User Behavior:

Typography in web design goes beyond aesthetics; it influences user behavior and sets the tone for the website. The psychology behind font styles and choices is a key aspect of web design. Serif fonts convey tradition and reliability, while sans-serif fonts evoke modernity and simplicity. By carefully selecting font size, weight, and spacing, designers can emphasize key messages, enhance readability, and positively impact user behavior.

psychology of a website: social proof

Social Proof: Leveraging Psychology for Trust and Action:

In the psychology of web design, social proof plays a vital role in influencing user behavior. Humans seek validation from others, and incorporating social proof elements, such as testimonials, google reviews, or social media widgets, can significantly impact user decisions. By showcasing positive feedback and demonstrating the number of satisfied customers, web designers can build trust, credibility, and encourage users to take desired actions.

Visual Cues: Guiding Users with Psychological Triggers:

Strategic use of visual cues in web design is a powerful technique for influencing user behavior. By incorporating elements like arrows, lines, or images of people looking towards important elements, designers can direct users’ attention and guide their actions. Visual cues create a sense of visual flow and intuitive navigation, making it easier for users to find desired information or complete specific tasks.

Gamification and Microinteractions: Engaging Users through Psychology:

Understanding the psychology behind user behavior is crucial when incorporating gamification and microinteractions into web design. Humans have an innate desire for achievement and enjoyment. Elements such as progress bars, badges, rewards, or interactive animations can create a sense of accomplishment and motivate users to explore further. By carefully implementing these elements, designers can enhance user engagement and encourage desired behaviors.

Understanding The Psychology of Web Design:

In the realm of web design, understanding the psychology behind user behavior is paramount. By leveraging the psychology of web design through color psychology, visual hierarchy, typography, social proof, visual cues, and gamification, designers can create captivating experiences that influence user decisions and actions. Taking a strategic approach to web design can lead to increased user engagement, improved conversion rates, and the achievement of business goals. By continuously studying user behavior and staying updated with emerging design trends, designers can refine their skills and create exceptional web experiences that leverage the power of psychological triggers.

A well-designed website is key to gaining new customers.

Does website design & development really matter? Studies show that a well-designed website will generate more traffic and increase your number of leads. Ultimately, this increase in leads means more sales for your business.

Our website design & development services include the creation of websites that range from entry-level 1-page websites to extensive e-commerce websites.

Visit our Website Design & Development page to inquire about pricing and to learn more.

In today’s digital landscape, businesses strive to make their online presence count. Google Ads has emerged as a powerful tool that enables companies to reach their target audience effectively. However, merely running ads is not enough. To maximize the return on investment (ROI) and drive tangible results, businesses must master the art of conversion optimization. In this blog post, we will explore the symbiotic relationship between Google Ads and conversion optimization, uncovering strategies to optimize campaigns and boost conversion rates.

Understanding Google Ads:

Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to create and display ads on Google’s search engine and partner websites. With its vast reach and targeting capabilities, Google Ads has become a go-to channel for local businesses seeking to attract potential customers.

What is Conversion Optimization?

Conversion optimization is the process of refining and improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of desired actions, such as leads, sales, sign-ups, or inquiries. It involves analyzing user behavior, testing different elements, and making data-driven decisions to enhance conversion rates.

what is conversion optimization

The Synergy between Google Ads and Conversion Optimization:

Google Ads provides a valuable opportunity to generate traffic and leads. However, without effective conversion optimization, businesses may struggle to capitalize on the influx of visitors. By integrating conversion optimization techniques into Google Ads campaigns, companies can maximize the potential of each click and turn visitors into customers.

  • Set Clear Goals: Before launching a Google Ads campaign, it’s crucial to define specific goals. Whether it’s generating leads or sales, increasing newsletter sign-ups, or driving website traffic, setting clear objectives allows for focused optimization efforts.
  • Target the Right Keywords: Keyword research plays a pivotal role in Google Ads success. By understanding the search intent of your target audience, you can create highly relevant ads that align with their needs. Ensure your keywords are aligned with your landing page content to improve ad quality scores.
  • Craft Compelling Ad Copy: Captivating ad copy is key to enticing users to click on your ads. Incorporate persuasive language, unique selling propositions, and strong calls to action (CTAs). Regularly test different ad variations to identify the most effective messaging.
  • Create Relevant Landing Pages: A seamless user experience from ad to landing page is vital for conversion optimization. Ensure that your landing pages are tailored to match the ad’s message and offer relevant information and a clear path to conversion. Optimize landing page load times and design for mobile devices.
  • Implement Conversion Tracking: Tracking conversions is crucial for understanding the performance of your campaigns. Utilize Google Ads conversion tracking or integrate third-party tools to gain insights into which keywords, ads, and landing pages are driving the most conversions.
  • A/B Testing: Experimentation is key to continuous improvement. Conduct A/B tests on various elements, such as headlines, CTAs, colors, and layouts, to identify high-performing combinations. Use statistical significance to determine the winning variations.
  • Retargeting/Remarketing: Not all users convert on their first visit. Implementing retargeting campaigns allows you to reach out to users who have previously shown interest in your products or services. Tailor retargeting ads to remind and incentivize them to return and complete the desired action.
  • Monitor, Analyze, and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your Google Ads campaigns. Leverage analytics tools to gain valuable insights into user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates. Continuously optimize your campaigns based on the data, making data-driven decisions to enhance results.


Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that, when combined with effective conversion optimization strategies, can propel your business to new heights. By aligning ad content, landing pages, and user experience, you can enhance conversion rates, boost ROI, and drive sustainable growth.

Remarketing is a powerful online marketing technique as it allows you to stay connected with your target audience, even after they navigate away from your website. By staying connected with your audience, you are gaining brand exposure, becoming more recognizable, and making people more likely to purchase.

Remarketing on LinkedIn targets people who have already visited your website and serves ads to them. This social platform is best for companies and industries whose target audience includes a professional audience.

Here are three steps to set up LinkedIn Retargeting for your business. 

1. Add the LinkedIn Insight Tag to your website

The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a piece of lightweight JavaScript tag. It allows for conversion tracking, retargeting, and analytics for LinkedIn ad campaigns.

Learn how to add the insight tag to your website. 

Once the tag has been added, sign into Campaign Manager, click on Tools, and then Insight Tag. If your tag has been added correctly, your website will be listed as Verified.

2. Create Audiences to Retarget

Once you’ve confirmed that your Insight Tag has been added correctly, navigate to the audience creation page in Campaign Manager. Click on Create an Audience to retarget. Follow the setup steps to define website segments for your campaigns.

When creating your audiences, you may want to target all of your website visitors or a certain group of visitors. You can customize your audiences with filters. Learn more about using filters.

3. Grow Your Audience

After you’ve installed the Insight Tag and defined audience segments, your audience will begin to grow. Each new LinkedIn member who visits your website will be added to audience list.

LinkedIn states that every website segment must have at least 300 names before your ads can be presented to the retargeted audience.

If you want the guidance of an internet marketing expert, set up a FREE 1-Hour Consultation to get started today! Longevity Graphics specializes in social media marketing. Click here to view our current Internet Marketing Clients

Website Design Coquitlam

Does website design really matter? Despite your skepticism, studies show that a well-designed website will generate more traffic and increase conversions. Ultimately, this increase in conversions means more sales for your business.

How can website design impact the success of a business? There are many reasons why a well-designed website will attract your ideal customer and prompt them to convert on your website.

Are you a business owner in need of Website Design Coquitlam? Continue reading to learn how Longevity Graphics can help you.

Website Design Coquitlam


The most important aspect of a website is the navigation. Website navigation typically includes a navigation bar or a list of different pages on the website. Good navigation should be easy to find and comprehend. In most cases, over-simplified navigation allows for ease of use for a wide range of users.


It is important for your clients to be able to recognize your company’s brand in all its forms of communication. When elements of the visual communication changes, it can create confusion. When designing a new website, your company’s logo, brand colours, brand messaging, and imagery must be used.


Trust is incredibly important on the web. It is often the limiting factor that determines whether a user will perform a desired action, like filling out a lead form or making a purchase.


Most users don’t read each web page they visit; rather, they scan each page instead. Eye tracking studies show that most users scan computer screens in an “F” pattern. Because of this, effectively designed websites will display information in order of importance (left to right, and top to bottom).

Some effective tactics include using:

  • Headlines
  • Sub-headlines
  • Relevant images
  • Numbers and bullet points
  • Sans Serif fonts

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a way for your website to get traffic from the results pages on major search engines – for free! How does it work? Visit our Search Engine Coquitlam page to find out.

It’s easy to create a beautiful and functional website, simply by keeping these elements in mind.

Are you looking for Website Design Coquitlam services? Longevity Graphics can help! View our Pricing Packages or Contact Us to schedule your FREE 1-Hour Consultation, today! 

FREE 1-Hour Consultation!

Search Engine Optimization Coquitlam

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization is a way for your website to get traffic from the results pages on major search engines – for free! How does it work? When someone types in a search query, results like websites, photos, videos and local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers to be the most relevant to the searcher.

Paid ads appear at the very top of the page, followed by the organic results. You will want your business’ website to be appearing as high as possible on the search engine results page. The higher you are, the more website clicks you will receive and consequently, the more leads and customers you will obtain. Search Engine Optimization Coquitlam is the key!

How do search engines rank websites?

Search engines use web crawlers (sometimes referred to as spiders or bots) to crawl the web and build an index of web pages, files, news stories, video and other media. When someone types in a search query, the search engine scours its database and returns only the results it deems to be the most relevant. It then presents the information in the form of a list, ranked from most popular to least popular. Search engines assume that if a site is more popular, it is probably because the information on the page is more valuable.

Search engines each have their own algorithm. This algorithm uses mathematical equations that contain hundreds of variables to determine relevance and popularity.

How should you get started with search engine optimization?

  • See what your competition is doing online
  • Figure out your best keywords
  • Add meta tags
  • Start a blog
  • Create an active social media presence
  • Sign up for free local listings

What are some best practices when getting started with SEO?

  • Create good content
  • Use your best keywords
  • Include linkable content
  • Tag your titles
  • Create URL’s that make sense to your viewers
  • Describe your content
  • Link to other popular websites
  • Create a sitemap
  • Monitor your rankings

What are some SEO mistakes to avoid?

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Broken links
  • Content that is copied or duplicated
  • Complicated website navigation
  • Not optimizing your website for mobile
  • Using flash
  • Cloaking

Are you ready to start driving more traffic to your website? Longevity Graphics can help! We use proven and ethical search engine optimization strategies to rank your website at the top positions for your specific keyword phrases. Get in contact with us today, and have your website ranking in the top position during the busy, summer months.  

How Can Pinterest Improve Your Sales?

What’s Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to organize images of products, services, experiences, dreams, and more; and pin them onto boards that are saved on the platform. These pins represent a user’s interests, which is a motivation to purchase and possess. Not to mention, the platform has more than 100 million active users. This is why so many businesses – especially retailers, have focused their marketing efforts on the platform.

Investing your marketing efforts on Pinterest pays off in the long-term. Why?

Because pins last forever. Other social media channels organize their content on a newsfeed based on the date and time it was posted. In comparison, Pinterest users can continually search and discover content, even if it was originally posted years ago. As long as the content is relevant to the search topic, then it will appear.

Other benefits:

Pinterest users are open to your marketing

Did you know that most of the content saved to the platform comes from businesses?  And more than half of users consider the platform to be a place to shop.

Pinterest produces referral traffic to your website

If users are finding and engaging with your pins, then you have a good shot at driving conversions to your website.

Pinterest is a cost-effective form of advertising

Pinners say that they spend less time reading magazines, catalogs and watching television.

Tips for Creating Pins

1. Use Hashtags

Like any social media channel, it is important to use relevant hashtags. These hashtags help users find you and your business more easily.

2. Use Direct Links

If you’re promoting a product and/or service, include a direct link to the corresponding page on your website. This ensures users have no trouble finding it on your website and no sales leads are lost.

3. Create More Than One Pin Board

Create pin boards with different themes. This allows you to target the right audience.

4. Always Write a Description

Each time you create a pin, be sure to fill in the description area. This information helps users to understand the name of the product/service they are looking at.

5. Make it Pretty

As Pinterest is a completely visual platform, always choose high-quality images that best represent your business.

Pinterest may be an effective sales channel for your business. If you are looking for an expert to help you, then collaborating with Longevity Graphics is the right choice for you and your business.

We offer a FREE 1-hour consultation on all of the services we provide. Contact us today to receive a no-obligation quote.

Do you want more Google Reviews?

Google Reviews

In the 21st century, Google is the first point of contact between many customers and businesses. From finding businesses nearby to looking up a forgotten phone number, we search keywords in Google to help us find anything and everything we want to know. And if we want to find out how one business compares to another, we Google them to learn about other people’s experiences.

Why should you care about Google Reviews?

Local search engines love online reviews for one primary reason – consumers love online reviews! Did you know that Google uses these Reviews as a factor in their ranking algorithm.

So, let me start with a very simple example. Let’s say you’re looking for a Website Designer in Coquitlam.


Right away, you can see the user ratings and the number of reviews prominently displayed in both the search results and the accompanying map. If you click on the place pin of one of the businesses, you can also see brief summaries of the latest reviews shown alongside the businesses information including the address, hours of operation and phone number.

This example illustrates the fact that customer reviews are among the first things people see when they search a business category on Google or Google Maps. It has also been shown that positive reviews provide your website with a greater boost to conversion rates compared to any other local SEO effort.

For local businesses, online reviews help increase the degree of trust felt, based on feedback from other people with similar needs. A 2014 study discovered that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family.

Do you want more Google Reviews for your business and for your website to appear higher in local search engine queries? Ask us how we can get more Google Reviews for you!

I want more Google Reviews!

Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

A Facebook Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code that you add to your website in order to measure, optimize and build audiences for your Facebook Advertising campaigns. By utilizing the Facebook Pixel, you can better understand the actions people take as they make their way from Facebook to your website.

As Instagram Advertising is connected to your Facebook Ad Manager Account, the Pixel you create for your Ad Account can also be used to track Instagram Conversions.

Facebook Pixel Implementation

  • Go to your Facebook Ad Manager Account or your Facebook Business Manager Account
  • Click Tools then click Pixels
  • Click Create a Pixel
  • Enter the name of your Pixel (One Pixel per ad account)
  • Click Create Pixel
    • If you work on your website yourself, click Install Pixel Now and copy the Base Code that appears in the box on the screen to each page on your website between the <head> and </head> tags
    • If someone else works on your website, press Email Pixel Code. Type in the person’s email and press Send

Standard Conversion Events

Standard Conversion Events allow you to track conversions, optimize for conversions and build audiences. See the Standard Conversion Events listed below:

View Content – Track key page views
Search – Track searches on your website
Add to Cart – Track when items are added to a shopping cart
Add to Wishlist – Track when items are added to a wish list
Initiate Checkout – Track when people enter the checkout flow
Add Payment Info – Track when payment information is added in the checkout flow
Make Purchase – Track purchases or checkout flow completions
Lead – Track when someone expresses interest in your offering
Complete Registration – Track when a registration form is completed

Standard Conversion Events Implementation

  • Add the Standard Event Code that corresponds to the events listed above
  • Add the Standard Event Code below the Base Code

Custom Conversion Events

You can use Custom Conversions Events if you are unable to add Standard Conversion Events to your website. If you’ve added the Base Code across your website, leave the code as is and create Custom Conversion Events using URL rules.

Custom Conversion Events Implementation

  • Go to the Custom Conversions section
  • Click Create Custom Conversion
  • Add the URL or part of the URL that represents your custom conversion (ex. URL contains /thankyou.php for a Thank You page after a purchase).
  • Select a category and click Next
  • Give your custom conversion a name and description
  • Add a conversion value $$ if applicable
  • Click Create and Done

If this sounds like something you would rather leave up to a professional web developer, contact Longevity Graphics today! Our web development team can add the Base Code to each page on your website, add Standard Conversion Events and add Custom Conversion Events. Not only that, our Marketing Department can manage your Facebook Advertising campaigns and provide you with detailed monthly reports outlining your conversion results.

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

Are you actively advertising on LinkedIn? If you are, then you’ll be happy to hear that LinkedIn has introduced a new measurement tool called LinkedIn Conversion Tracking. It will allow you to more easily measure how many leads, purchases and other results your Sponsored Content and Text Ad Campaigns are generating for you. If you are unfamiliar with advertising on LinkedIn, check out our Beginners Guide to LinkedIn Advertising.

LinkedIn says “conversion tracking has been a top-requested feature from customers looking for more insight into how their LinkedIn ads are helping them generate high-quality leads, acquire new customers, and raise brand engagement among LinkedIn’s global audience of 450 million professionals.”

How to set up LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

  • Log in to your LinkedIn Account
  • Go to your Campaign Manager
  • Enter into your company’s account
  • Click on Conversion Tracking (in the top right-hand corner)

Once you have reached this page, LinkedIn will ask you to:

  1. Enter the domain where you want to track the conversions. LinkedIn recommends using your high-level domain (normally a home page) and not the full URL of the landing page where you will ultimately want to direct users. Entering your high-level domain will allow you to track conversions on any sub-domains.
  2. Install the LinkedIn Insight Tag across your website. This tag is considered lightweight JavaScript, so it will not affect the loading time of pages on your website. This requires no maintenance once the code is in place.
  3. Now, you can measure the return on investment of your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Conversions will report actions that your target audience has taken after clicking or viewing your ads on LinkedIn.

Are you interested in taking advantage of LinkedIn Conversion Tracking, but you’re unsure how to add the Insight Tag to your website? Longevity Graphics can help you add the tag to your website and manage your LinkedIn advertising. Get in touch with us today. We offer a FREE 1-hour consultation.